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Empowering ambitious professionals to take action in creating careers that they love

The Meaning Meter Quiz

let's get started!

 Just how much meaning are you gleaning from you day-to-day?
Are you feeling fulfilled or bored?
Or maybe you’re feeling straight up out of sorts. Enter the Meter Meaning Quiz, your temperature check for uncovering where you are currently at when it comes to having a meaningful life. 

Take the quiz to identify where you fall on the Meaning Meter and receive actionable insights for how to extract more meaning from your everyday! 


To start:
answer these 4 questions
& keep track of the amounts next to your answer


What is your first thought when you wake up in the morning?

  1. There are so many things I’m looking forward to today! (4)

  2. I just need a coffee. (3)

  3. I have so many things on my to-do list, I have no idea how I’m going to get it all done. (2)

  4. Eh, here we go again. (1)


When you look at your calendar, which option below most closely matches how you feel? 

  1. I feel excited because everything on my calendar is something that I chose to put there. (4)

  2. I feel conflicted because there are many days on my calendar where I’m double booked and have to decide which thing I’m going to choose to do or partake in. FOMO is real ya’ll. (3)

  3. My calendar is jammed packed with so many things that it exhausts me to look at it. (2)

  4. I’m sick of other people putting things on my calendar. (1)


The last time you hung out with someone you would consider a close friend, which of the below conversations resembles what you discussed? 

  1. We shared our plans and dreams for the future, plus brainstormed ways we could help each other makes those dreams a reality. (4)

  2. We talked about work or just gossiped. (3)

  3. We couldn’t stop talking about how busy we are in this season of our lives. (2)

  4. We complained about everything that’s going on right now. (1)


When someone asks you if you like what you do for work/career, what is your response? 

  1. I’m doing what I love leveraging my strengths and areas of interest(and I really mean it). (4)

  2. It’s interesting work, pays the bills, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite. (3)

  3. I have about six different side jobs. (2)

  4. I’d like what I do if I was able to actually do my job the way I want to do it. (1)

your results!

Add up the points earned for each answer from above, and select the related section below to find out where you end up on the Meaning Meter!




Most days you’re going through the motions, often feeling bored by life’s moments. Some areas of your life may feel meaningful but collectively it doesn’t add up to a purpose driven journey. You often feel like something is missing and that there must be something more but you can’t quite put your finger on it.

Actionable Advice:

I’m here to encourage you that there is so much more to this life, if only you seek it out! You don’t have to feel lost or caught in the cycle of feeling that what you’re doing isn’t impactful, meaningful and important to you. See below for a few of my favorite ways to start living a life that is full of meaning instead of complacency:

PLAN AN EXPERIENCE -- so often you find yourself feeling bored or not very jazzed about this life your living. We need to snap you out of that and the best way to do that is to plan something that you can look forward to. Planning something to look forward to not only increases your happiness(proven by psychology research) but it also gives you reason reflect on past memorable and meaningful experiences that have turned into your favorite memories. Need help coming up with ideas, check out my blog post here:

START A GRATITUDE PRACTICE - There is no better way to start seeing the beauty of life than to begin a daily gratitude practice. This can be as simple as taking five minutes each day to write a few things down that your grateful for. This will prime your mind to look for the good and meaningful moments in your life.

Want to learn even more about meaning? Check out the below resources that have inspired me:

5 Sources of Meaning in Life and How to Tap Them

The Power of Purpose and Meaning in Life

How to Find Meaning in Life


Busy With Blinders

You’re doing all the things! From working long hours on the job, to running around doing everything you can to help your family, friends and friends of friends, but there isn’t much time left for you. Just one look at your calendar gives you anxiety and you can’t remember the last time you could just BE. While all this doing feels like it should be adding up to something, you find that it doesn’t. Instead it leaves you feeling exhausted and like you’re stuck running on the hamster wheel of life.

Actionable Advice:

I first want to tell you that up until this point you have been doing the absolute best you can. We’ve all been where you’re at right now, caught up in being busy instead of truly enjoying your humanness. To find more meaning in your day-to-day try out my recommendations below. For someone like you that always has a massive to-do list, take these recos as something you do FOR you instead of just another task to cross off:

SLOW DOWN -- you can’t find meaning when you’re running around like the engergizer bunny. When you slow down you’re able to sit with your feelings and get to the root of many of the thoughts that you’re likely pushing down because you don’t have the time or space to address them.

CREATE A MORNING ROUTINE YOU LOVE -- creating a morning routine you love is the first step in carving out time for YOU, especially when most of your time is centered around doing things for others. For morning routine ideas check out my recent blog post here.

NO BEFORE YES -- You are a person who is quick to say yes and slow to say NO. This is why your calendar and your life has started feeling so overwhelming. For one week, say NO or “Let me get back to you” before saying YES to any commitments on your calendar.

Want to learn even more about meaning? Check out the below resources that have inspired me:

5 Sources of Meaning in Life and How to Tap Them

The Power of Purpose and Meaning in Life

How to Find Meaning in Life


Anxiously Agitated

There are so many days where you wake up feeling like your life is controlling you, instead of you controlling it. There are few things that bring you excitement and you find yourself playing the blame game on a regular basis. You’re stuck in the cycle of being the victim, where it’s easier to complain than take any sort of action that could be helpful to you.

Actionable Advice:

What is life if there aren’t moments to look forward too? I’m positive that you can be experiencing a much-more fulfilling life. A life that excites you and makes you feel purposeful. See below for some actionable things that you can begin doing TODAY to start gleaning more meaning in your life’s moments both big and small:

CULTIVATE BETTER CONNECTIONS -- When you have people in your life that challenge you, lift you up and inspire you, you inadvertantly begin to extract more meaning from your life. Identify one or two people that you’d like to get-to-know on a deeper level and ask them to connect over coffee(or tea!). For more help on cultivating meaningful connections read my article on it here:

STOP COMPLAINING -- Complaining is the death of meaning. You can’t be complaining and feeling meaningful at the same time, it’s just not possible. If you find yourself stuck in a complaining cycle challenge yourself to write-down your complaints for an entire week instead of speaking them out loud or sharing them with others. At the end of the week assess your complaints. Are you surprised at how much your complaining? Are you finding complaint patterns that centralize around one thing or one person? Take those insights and come up with a plan to turn those complaints into true action. Want to learn even more about meaning? Check out the below resources that have inspired me:

5 Sources of Meaning in Life and How to Tap Them

The Power of Purpose and Meaning in Life

How to Find Meaning in Life



You are on fire for your life! You wake up most days with a pep in your step and you’re constantly working on being a better you today than you were yesterday. You have quality relationships at home, at work and in your community. You cherish the moments big and small and appreciate the journey just as much as the final destination.

Actionable Advice:

Even though you’re experiencing a TON of meaning in your day-to-day, there is never too much meaning. To squeeze out even more meaningful moments try the following:

GET CURIOUS -- One of the best ways to experience more meaning is to get curious about your surroundings. Truly be present in your day-to-day and start observing more closely the things around you. That beautiful wooden table you’re sitting at during brunch, who made that? Where did it come from? What’s it’s story? Getting into a curious mindset opens you up to feel more grateful, thankful and intune with your life thus cultivating more meaning in your day-to-day.

PRACTICE APPRECIATION -- You have amazing relationships that you intentionally make time for but are you showing the people that you care about true appreciation? Appreciation goes beyond a “thank you” -- it can be a surprise coffee or small gift, a thoughtfully written card or any other creative ideas you dream up. Creating magical moments for others in turn creates more magic for you.

Want to learn even more about meaning? Check out the below resources that have inspired me:



